"I met Judy in the moment of my life where I needed help to harness all the changes that were about to unfold. With her judge-less insight I was able to move into a new space, coping with the changes with ease. She has helped me to break old patterns and to see the greatness in life and its divine perfection." M.V USA
Starting point of Coaching and Consulting
Following our initial conversation, a numero-logical reading or another opportunity to confirm there is a fit, the next step for deeper work is a foundation of information. Completing the form below puts us both on the same page.
If in the process of completing the form you find yourself struggling, unclear, feeling over-whelmed or blocked by resistance it's not a problem. It's giving us indication of what's needed. Just write your experience in the box. Let go of the judgement. We'll take if from there. Our work together is about your alignment and progress and the challenge is just showing us where there is not full alignment or peace. We'll relieve the stress, transform resistance, get you clear and on your way to what you really want.
If you prefer to take time to complete this form a pdf version is available here. Upon completion please email to judyonorato@sympatico.ca and we'll take if from there.
Inspire with ideas and connect you to opportunities
Guide strategic research and reflection to get your answers
Mentoring & Mastermind to fine tune and discover
Action-steps, Direction and Valuable Feedback
Identify cause, patterns and self-defeating cycles
Clarify vision and Your most effective path
Synergize your action - save time energy and money
Recommend reading and connect you to resources of support